Call For Papers: International Humanities Undergraduate Symposium
Theme: The Humanities and Sustainability
Date: February 15-16, 2025

Location: Faculty of Humanities, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand
Subject Fields: Humanities, Social Science, Political Science, and Related Fields

Symposium Overview and Objectives

The Faculty of Humanities, Chiang Mai University, will be hosting an international undergraduate student symposium and excursion on February 15-16, 2025. We are inviting proposals for papers and presentations that address the relationship of the humanities to sustainability. The symposium will encourage undergraduate students from diverse cultures to learn and explore humanities subjects while integrating and promoting social, human, economic, and environmental sustainability, whether relevant to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals or to other sustainability discourses. 

The aims of the symposium are to inspire sustainability through a humanistic mindset and to provide a space for undergraduates to connect with peers who share similar values. Students will have the chance to explore the city during a humanities-and-sustainability-themed field trip. We welcome abstracts for both academic and creative projects, either as individuals or in a group.  Students who would like their work considered for publication in Chiang Mai University Journal of Humanities should submit full papers for review two weeks before their symposium presentation.

The following are examples of fields that can be broadly connected with sustainability:

Literature and the Arts: How literature, visual arts, and performances engage with all themes of sustainability and their role in advocating for sustainable practices.  

Philosophy and Ethics: Exploring the philosophical underpinnings of humanities and sustainability theories. 

History and Cultural Studies: Investigating challenges that have come along with globalization and the shifting landscapes of global institutions and exploring how different cultures approach sustainability. 

Linguistics: The role and impact of language in shaping sustainability narratives. 

Feminism and Gender theories:  Investigating how feminist and gender theories contribute to sustainable development in the context of environmental and social justice.

Education for a Sustainable Future: The role of humanities education in internalizing sustainability mindsets and practices. Possible innovations in curriculum design.    

Technology, Humanity, and Sustainability: Examining the intersections between technological advancement and sustainability from a humanistic perspective.    

Postcolonialism: Analyzing dominant sustainability narratives from a postcolonial perspective. Exploring alternative sustainability models by seeing things from below and challenging dominant approaches.    

The examples provided are intended to illustrate potential areas of exploration. We encourage submissions that investigate any subjects within the humanities, social sciences, and political sciences that contribute to a sustainable future.  

Submission guidelines 

Eligibility: Open to all undergraduate individuals or groups of not more than three members.

Language: English

Abstract: Submit a titled abstract of 200-300 words, clearly outlining the scope and aims of the project. Abstracts should be in PDF or Word format.

Bio: Submit a short biography (max 100 words) for each author within the same document, following the abstract.

Submission Platform: provide a subject heading indicating your submission, e.g. “abstract submission for IHUS.”)     

Important dates    

November 15, 2024: Deadline for submission of abstracts and bios. 

December 1, 2024: Notification of accepted submissions. 

February 1, 2025: Deadline for submission of presentation decks (for accepted applicants). 

February 15, 2025: Symposium Event. 

February 16, 2025: Excursion.   

Contact Information Dr. Sarah Kimmet   
Integrative Center for Humanities Innovation