What BAHS did at Humanitas 2023

By ​Supattra Kaewkrathok and Chananchida Mahasan (BAHS' 66)

On 26 July 2023, the Faculty of Humanities organized an open house event. It was the day that we met many students who were interested in our program. As the representatives of the first-year students of BAHS program, we felt so excited because it was our first time being involved in this type of activity. At first, we prepared to explain our program to the high school students. We also prepared many activities for them which help them to understand the humanities studies and what we get to study in our program. 

On that day, there were so many students who registered to join our academic activities on the 8th floor of HB7 building. As I can remember, there were around 100 students or more who joined us, both who pre-signed up and just walked in. In our venue, there were a lot of staffs who are our class members and our senior class members, who helped one another to give the relevant information the students who find the humanities subjects as their new world. I could confidently say that after they walked out of our room, they could potentially come back again next year, this time as our fellow BAHS students. 

Talking about the highlight activity, while it required a lot of knowledge and creativity, the participants get to practice their critical thinking which help them to make sense of the world better. We believed that the participants would know what they like and do not. In addition, the participants who joined our activities made a lot of new friends, got to know the staffs, and learned many insights into our study program. Some challenges that we found was some of the participants had a problem in understanding and speaking English. However, our staffs tried to be cheerful and friendly, so that the students do not feel uncomfortable to engage in the activities. Lastly, thank you everyone for joining our activities and for being interested in our program. We hope to see you as the students of BAHS soon!